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Sapienza University of Rome NanoItaly Association |
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- Dec 2013-present: qualified for the position of Full Professor in Experimental physics of matter (SC 02/B1)
- Jan 2005-present: Associate Professor in Experimental Physics, Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences for Engineering (formerly Dept. of Energetics) of Sapienza and head of EMINA (Electron MIcroscopy and NAnoscopies) Lab.
- Oct 2001: qualified for the position of Associate Professor in Experimental Physics (SSD FIS/01).
- Jul 1991-Dec 2004: Researcher at Sapienza, Department of Energetics, and temporary Professor of General Physics (nov 1994-dec 2004) at the faculty of Engineering.
- Nov 2007-present: Member of the board of the PhD Course in “Electromagnetism” of Sapienza.
- 2006-present: Member of the executive scientific board of the Research Center for Nanotechnology of Sapienza (CNIS), since its foundation.
- 2004-present: Associate Researcher of the Consortium for the Physical Sciences of Matter (CNISM), since its foundation.
- 1990-2003: Associate Researcher at INFM (National Institute for the Physics of Matter) until its merging into the National Research Council (CNR).
- 2008-present: Course of 'Microscopies and Nanocharacterization techniques' for the second cycle degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Engineering Nanotechnology.
- 1994-present: Courses of ‘General Physics I’ and ‘General Physics II” for the first cycle degrees in Industrial Engineering.
- 2003-05: Course of ‘Electron Microscopy techniques for environment and cultural heritage’ for the Master in ‘Nuclear techniques for industry, environment and cultural heritage'.
- 2005-08: Course of ‘Electron Optics’ for the second cycle degree in Sciences for Engineering.
- During the Ph.D. period and at the beginning of my academic carrier (1988- 1998), I dealed with low-power pulsed laser annealing (LPPLA) of ion-implanted III-V semiconductors. Then I studied solid-state laser interaction applied to processing of various materials (ZnO, LiNbO3, glassy carbon). In this context, I gained expertise on different analysis techniques, in particular transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction, spending also some periods of training at the Institute of Solid State Physics and Electron Microscopy in Halle (Germany).
- Since 1993, my research interest is focused on the study of synthesis, modification and characterization of carbon-based materials (diamond, diamond-like, nanotubes, nanocomposites, hybrid materials, etc). I used extensively various electron and scanning microscopy, and diffraction techniques as means to investigate structural and morphological features of the C-based materials of interest. The main achieved results regarded the study of the interfaces diamond film/substrates and the identification of a new diamond polytype and of modified forms of graphite; the synthesis of highly oriented diamond films and new forms of hybrid materials.
- Since 1998, my research activity regards mainly problems of nanoscience and nanotechnology, focusing in particular on the structural and functional study of carbon nanotubes and other carbon nanostructures (from nanographites to ultrananodiamond) obtained through innovative technologies of synthesis. In such a context, scanning probe microscopies have been also used and an innovative methodology for the mechanical and elastic characterization has been implemented and developed.
- In the last recent years, a part of my research activity is also devoted to define new methodologies and strategies for soft matter imaging (from polymers to bacteria) through a combined and synergistic use of electron microscopies, diffraction techniques and scanning probe microscopies with related spectroscopies.
- More than 160 scientific papers on international peer reviewed journals and books (more than 145 of which indexed on ISI archive) with an overall impact factor of about 350, h-index=23 (combining WoS and Scopus) and 25 (combining also Google Scholar); a total citation number = 1870 (on WoS and Scopus, 1438 excluding self-citations), I10-index=60 (Google Scholar).
- More than 300 communications in international conferences.
- One patent on nanocomposite diamond based materials.
- Co-editor of 1 Book and 11 volumes of Proceedings.
- Guest co-editor of two special issues of h-indexed scientific journals.
- Associate editor of Frontiers in Materials - Carbon-Based Materials
- Member of the editorial board of: Journal of Nanomaterials, Advances in Materials, Nanoscience and Nanometrology
- RESEARCHGATE: - personal RG score: 39.18, percentile 95%.
- PUBLONS: - Top reviewer @ Sapienza University of Rome
- ResearcherID (WoS):
Successful Fundraising (most relevant funded projects in the last 10 years)
- 2010-16: Scientific coordinator of the project “STOR-AGE Realization of an innovative system for Hydrogen storage by hybrid nanocomposites materials embedded in conductive polymeric matrices”. Call based on art. 11, D.M. n. 593, 8/8/2000 for the creation of new companies for technology transfer. Project approved (Prog. 13/8) and supported by MIUR with a financial support of 437 k€ for the spin-off company Nanoshare Srl (
- 2013-15: Project “ADIMENA - Assemblaggio di dispositivi a microonde sia per brasatura con lega eutettica sia per incollaggio con materiali nano strutturati per applicazioni di apparati trasmittenti”; granted by Regione Lazio, call 2012 Co-Research, supported in the framework POR FESR Lazio 2007/13 - Ref. FILAS-CR-2011-1391; Global cost: 341 keuro.
- 2012-14: Project “TOMOSEM – Developing of a tomographic system for Scanning Electron Microscopy”; granted by Regione Lazio, call 2012 Co-Research, supported in the framework POR FESR Lazio 2007/13 - Ref. FILAS-CR-20 11-1110; Global cost: 412 keuro. PI of the Local Unit of Research @ Sapienza.
- 2010-13: Project “SENSATIONAL - Fabrics integrated with gas nanosensors for personal protective equipment production”, Call Industria 2015 - Made in Italy, granted by Ministry of Economic Development (prot. MI01_00070, 01.09.2010 – 30.08.2012) Project global cost: 6.218 k€. PI of the Local RU @ Sapienza with a local cost of 239 k€.
- 2011-12: PI in the R&D contract “Nano-diamond Application (NADIA)” granted by SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA (Finmeccanica group).
- 2010-16: Scientific coordinator of the project “STOR-AGE Realization of an innovative system for Hydrogen storage by hybrid nanocomposites materials embedded in conductive polymeric matrices”. Call based on art. 11, D.M. n. 593, 8/8/2000 finalized to the creation of new companies for technology transfer. Project approved (Prog. 13/8) and supported by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) with a financial support of 437 k€ for the spin-off company Nanoshare Srl (
- 2010-12: Project “Advanced nanomaterials and nanostructures for field- and photo-emission based devices” call PRIN (Projects of Relevant National Interest) 2008 under the coordination of prof. L. Palumbo, supported by MIUR for 134 k€. Vice-coordinator of the project and of the local RU (cost: 58 k€)
- 2010-11: PI in the R&D contract “Software Infrastructures for DBNano data Bases” granted by SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA (Finmeccanica group).
- 2010-11: PI in the R&D contract “Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies” granted by SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA (Finmeccanica group).
- 2008-11: Project “NANORAY for the realization of X-rays sources based on carbon nanotubes”. (Call FP7-SME-2007 - Grant Agreement N. 222426: 11.11.2008 - 30.01.2011, global cost: 1.467 k€) Scientific coordinator of the local research partner @ Sapienza, supported by EU for 238 k€.
- 2009-10: Co-PI in the R&D contract “Thermal Management for power chips and CNT synthesis process for Microelectronics” granted by SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA (Finmeccanica group).
- 2009: PI of the Project "Implementation of a multi-beam platform for lithography and chemical-physical characterization at the nanoscale”, funded by Sapienza with € 130 keuro.
- 2004-06: Project “Synthesis and preparations techniques, functional characterizations and innovative applications of carbon-based nanostructures and nanocomposites”, call PRIN 2008 under the coordination of prof. Maria Letizia Terranova, supported by MIUR for 210 k€. PI of the local RU @ Sapienza, with a funded support of 64 k€.
In the same period, I have also been involved as participating scientist in other 14 academic and industrial research projects.
- 2016 Nanoinnovation – I edition; Rome, Sept 20-23, Chair of the Organizing Committee
- 2015 Nanoitaly - I edition: Roma, Sept. 21-24; Coordinator of the Promoting Committee.
- 2011-2014 Nanoforum - VII-X editions; Coordinator of the Promoting Committee.
- 2013 “IV International Symposium on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials”: Roma, Sept. 24-28; Co-chair.
- 2008 "Study Days on the new opportunities for bio & nano science and nanotechnology”: Rome, March 7, June 28, October 24, Member of the Scientific Committee.
- 2007 “Workshop on Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Applications”, ICNTE 2007: Bologna, May 24-25;
Member of the Organising Committee and Scientific Committee. - 2003 “Euronoise 2003”: Napoli, May 19-21, Member of the Organising Committee.
- 2001 “17th International Congress on Acoustics”, 17th ICA: Rome, Sept. 2-7; Member of the Organizing Committee, with responsibility as Treasurer and General Supervisor; approximately 1750 registered participants of which over 90% foreign.
- Reviewer of 175 papers (in the last 8 years) for 51 leading international peer-reviewed journals. Top reviewer of Sapienza on
- Reviewer of International Projects and National Projects funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research).
- VQR 2004-10 Reviewer for more than 20 papers.
- Reviewer (2006-present) of the research projects funded by the University Franco-Italian (calls Vinci and Galileo).
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