09:00 - 10:30
New Technologies and “work-based learning” at Research Institutes: Current Situation and Perspectives
09.00 |
Apertura della sessione (P. Bellutti) e Introduzione dott. Oscar Pasquali: l’importanza dell’Alternanza Scuola Lavoro. Le esperienze degli Enti di Ricerca |
09.05 |
CNR - dott.ssa Elisabetta Baldanzi |
09.15 |
ENEA - dott.ssa Laura Di Pietro |
09.25 |
ASI - dott. Alfonso Lamanna |
09.35 |
INFN - dott.ssa Rossana Centioni |
09.45 |
FBK - dott.ssa Claudia Dolci |
09.55 |
L’esperienza di Confindustria – dott.ssa Nicoletta Amodio |
10.05 |
L’esperienza di una grande Università - prof.ssa Tiziana Pascucci |
10.15 |
tavola rotonda (30 min) |
Chair: Pierluigi BELLUTTI, Fondazione Bruno Kessler In collaboration with: Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Since 2015, “work-based learning” is a compulsory high school program (Law 107 of 2015) to provide a high-profile training experiences for students within working contexts. The goal is to stimulate the development of their skills to translate ideas into actions as well as to consolidate knowledge acquired in classroom. In this scenario, beside typical production and/or service economical players, Research Institutions, as well as public sector organizations and NGOs, can offer training experiences matching the expectations of the law. Starting from a long lasting relations with schools, Research Institution over the past two years have been working to offer a succesful experience for “work-based learning” program. In this session, the Research Institutions are going to present and compare their experiences to both MIUR and Industrial Association representatives. |
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