09:00 - 10:30
An italian ecosystem of innovation | ||
Some presentations regarding public/private collaboration:
Onofrio Antonino CACIOPPO
LFOUNDRY Jointlab LFoundry & Sapienza University of Rome
Alessandro BRAMANTI
STMicroelectronics Lecce Jointlab ST Microelectronics & CNR Nanotec
Giuseppe MARUCCIO |
will be followed by a Round Table with presentations from governative institutions and other public/private players: |
Chair: Francesco Matteucci, DHITECH, Lecce In collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome and DHITECH, Lecce |
In order to promote an ecosystem of innovation, “environment” with complex relationships between actors or entities whose functional goal is to enable technology development and innovation, many steps are necessary, but one of the main is the organic cooperation between knowledge producers (universities and research institutions), knowledge users (companies operating in the market), other institutions (financial and public) and intermediaries of knowledge (organizational structures that stimulate the innovation process through a multilingual approach). The round table will be divided in two parts: 1) presentation of a model of public-private collaboration in R&D and of a lab where training young students to develop the entrepreneurial spirit, 2) a discussion among different actors of the ecosystem of innovation in order to define a to-do-list action for the development of the Italian ecosystem of innovation within the field of nanotechnologies. |
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