Morning |
HT.III - Highlight Multi-Track with Parallel COLLOQUIA
TT.VII - Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
09:00 - 10:30 HT.III - Highlight Multi-Track with Parallel COLLOQUIA |
Keynote Session: "Spectroscopic characterization and imaging" Chair: Regina CIANCIO, CNR-IOM, Trieste The symposium is part of the workshop WS.I on "Advanced Characterization Techniques for Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences"
Keynote Session "2D materials and beyond" Chair: Fabiola LISCIO, CNR IMM, Bologna
Keynote Session: "Advanced approaches for investigating cells and neurons" Chair: Leandro LORENZELLI CV, FBK, Trento In collaboration with: FBK The symposium is part of the workshop WS.IV on "Microfluidics and Biosystems for personalized medicine"
Special Session: Il rapporto tra Innovazione e Conoscenza in Italia. Il sistema della ricerca privata. Chair: Alberto CIGADA, Polytechnic of Milan & President Comitato Scientifico Cluster Made in Italy The symposium is part of the Joint Event JE.II "Open innovation and Open Science"
Special Session: 3D Additive Manufacturing Chair: Francesco VENIALI, Sapienza Università di Roma
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:30 TT.VII - Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA |
TT.VII.A WS.I.10 |
Microscopy techniques for industrial needs 1 Chair: Onofrio Antonino CACIOPPO, LFoundry In collaboration with: LFoundry The symposium is part of the workshop WS.I on "Advanced Characterization Techniques for Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences"
Nanotechnologies for space: missions, opportunities and challenges Chair: Roberto FORMARO & Marco DI CLEMENTE CV, ASI In collaboration with: Italian Space Agency (ASI)
2D materials beyond graphene: from fundamental physics to device applications Chair: Giancarlo CICERO, Polytechnic of Turin & Paola PRETE CV, CNR IMM, Lecce In collaboration with: Polytechnic of Turin & CNR IMM
Applications: Catalysis, Micro/Nanoelectronics, Biomedicine and other I Chair: Elisabetta AGOSTINELLI, CNR ISM, Roma The symposium is part of the Joint Event JE.I "Materiali Nanofasici"
Microfluidics concepts, technologies and applications Chair: Leandro LORENZELLI, FBK, Trento In collaboration with: FBK & Polytechnic of Turin The symposium is part of the workshop WS.IV on "Microfluidics and Biosystems for personalized medicine"
Nanomaterials and advanced solutions for the restoration of Cultural Heritage Chair: Rodorico Giorgi, CSGI and Isella VICINI, Warrant Group In collaboration with: CSGI & WARRANT GROUP
Il rapporto tra Innovazione e Conoscenza in Italia. Il sistema della ricerca pubblica. Chair: Alberto CIGADA, Polytechnic of Milan & President Comitato Scientifico Cluster Made in Italy The symposium is part of the Joint Event JE.II "Open innovation and Open Science"
12:30 - 14:00 Light Lunch