Oral Presentations
Please find below some practical information regarding your contribution to the Conference:
- All speakers need to register to the conference following the online procedure available here http://www.nanoinnovation.it/2016/registration. Registration for speakers must be completed within September 10th.
- Remember to bring your presentation with you in an USB pen drive (power point or pdf format). For Mac users we strongly suggest to bring a pdf version of the file.
- Slides must be in English.
- Please ensure your file is uploaded before the beginning of the session. Refer to the session chair or conference staff to upload your presentation.
- Refer to the online programme for information on timing and duration of your talk. Timing of talks includes time for brief questions from the audience.
- For any detail on your talk, please refer to organizers and chairs of the session, or the conference secretariat.
- For any urgent matter regarding your talk during the conference you can refer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (though email reading during the conference may be done with some delay).
- Due to the tight agenda, all speakers are requested to follow chairs indications and respect the duration reported in the program for their talk. Timing of talks includes time for brief questions from the audience.
- We suggest you to plan a speech 2-3 minutes shorter than the scheduled time, to give appropriate room to questions and answers (Q&A).
- Chairs might decide for a different setting of Q&A, within the planned times.
- Slides are generally published in the conference website (restricted area only for the delegates). Of course, you will be informed in due time about the plans for publication and you will have the possibility to change your slides or refuse publication. We appreciate if you can inform us in advance in case of any issue regarding publication of your slides.