Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Thematic Symposia

The scientific program of Nanoinnovation will start on the afternoon of September 20 with the plenary sessions and will continue with the technical sessions scheduled on September 21-22.

Each of the eight technical sessions  will include 6 parallel thematic sessions, each of them of 90 minutes with 4 of 5 talk.

The thematic symposia are in alphabetical order:

TS.IV.C 2D materials: focus on sensing and nano-bio-applications
TS.VI.A 3D Printing for Tissue Engineering
TS.VIII.E 3D printing: new nanomaterials and devices
TS.V.B Advanced nanotechnologies for green energy
TS.I.B Advanced Raman spectroscopy and imaging in Nanomedicine
TS.IV.B Advances in structural and strain analysis at the nanoscale
TS.V.C Electronic nanodevices and technology trends
TS.VII.A Emerging Nanodevices for Memory and Neuromorphic applications
TS.VI.E Graphene based nanomaterials for dental application and related cytoxicity studies
TS.VIII.D Graphene-based materials: Beyond Graphene
TS.VII.D Graphene-based materials: challenges and perspective of applications
TS.V.D Graphene-based materials: science and technology integration
TS.VIII.F Innovative design and manufacturing processes for nanomaterials and nanodevices
TS.VI.B KETs for Aeronautics & Space
TS.VIII.A KILOMETRO ROSSO: case history on innovative materials and advanced manufacturing
TS.III.C Micro- and nanobubbles: a versatile platform for biomedical applications
TS.I.E Microfluidics, Fluids at Interfaces and applications
TS.V.A Multifunctional technologies for 2D/3D printing of smart components
TS.II.A Nano Applications in Leonardo-Finemccanica
TS.II.C Nano-characterization
TS.VII.C Nanocharacterization Methods and Tools for Nanotechnology
TS.III.F Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics
TS.VI.C Nanomedicine for the Nervous System
TS.I.A Nanophotocatalysis
 TS.VI.D Nanostructured Magnetic Material for Biomedical Applications
TS.IV.F Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for cultural heritage: research and education as drivers for the technology transfer
 TS.IV.A Nanotechnologies in the agri-food chain and related, emerging characterization techniques
 TS.VII.E Nanotechnology and nanomaterial for cultural heritage
 TS.I.F Nanotechnology for Energy - part I
TS.VIII.C Nanotechnology for Energy - part II

Nanotechnology for future electronics

 TS.IV.E Nanotechnology for safety, security and quality assurance
 TS.III.B Nanotechnology for the conservation of modern and contemporary art
 TS.VIII.B Nanotechnology in Bio-Medicine
Nanotoxicology meets green chemistry: toward safe and sustainable nanomaterials
 TS.II.F New Methods for Cancer Detection and Therapy
 TS.IV.D Optical metamaterials for future applications
Present and Future in Nanotechnology Applications in Food, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Fields
 TS.I.D RRI of Nanotechnologies: The RinnovaReNano Project
 TS.II.B Safe Working with nanomaterials: the NanoLab project, results from a research laboratory case study
 TS.V.F Safety assessment of nanomaterials for industrial application
 TS.III.A Self-Healing and Self-Adapting: development of multifunctional materials inspired by nature
 TS.VI.F Self-lubricant materials: basic mechanisms and applications from the macro scale down to the micro and nano scale
 TS.II.E Simulation and Modeling for Nanotechnology
 TS.VII.B Sustainable nanomaterials for organic electronics
 TS.III.D X- Ray microscopy (XRM): Applications and new advancements



call for young researchers











Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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