Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Session Posters

Posters will be displayed in the Sangallo Cloister during the event:

Tuesday 20: 13.00-20.00
Wednesday and Thursday: 8.30-19.30

  1. Badrul ALAM, Sapienza University of Rome
    Multilayer optical routing by means of vertical directional coupler with long range surface plasmons
  2. Erika AMORE, University of Palermo
    Radiosensitizing effect of Curcumin-loaded lipid nanoparticles in breast cancer cells
  3. Livia ANGELONI, Sapienza University of Rome and Laval University, Canada
    Oxidation plasma treatment of fluorocarbon ultrathin films for cardiovascular applications
  4. Mariglen ANGJELLARI, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'
    Advanced Materials for Additive Manufacturing: Trends for the Future
  5. Caterina  ARCANGELI, ENEA C. Ricerche Casaccia
    Computational approaches for the characterization of the adsorption and dynamical mechanisms of bio-inorganic interfaces
  6. Federico BENETTI, ECSIN Laboratory
    Determination of nanosilica released from food contact materials by singole-particle Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
  7. Maria Luisa BONDI', ISMN CNR
    Micromaterials lipid-based for topic release of fluticasone propionate for the COPD treatment
  8. Lisa BREGOLI, Warrant Group
    NANO-CATHEDRAL: European Project on Nanomaterials for Conservation of European Architectural Heritage
  9. Alessio BUZZIN, Sapienza University of Rome
    Nano Sieve filter for microfluidic sensing on lab-on-chip
  10. Elisa CALABRESE, University of Salerno
    Synthesis of a new ruthenium catalyst for self-healing applications in aeronautics
  11. Giancarlo CAPPELLINI, University of Cagliari
    Electronic and optical properties of nanometer-sized chromophores in bacterial cellulose
  12. Federica CAPPELLUTI, Politecnico di Torino
    High-efficiency, flexible, lightweight space solar cells based on nanostrutured III-V semiconductors
  13. Laura CARLINI, University "Roma Tre"
    Characterization of MNPs functionalized by molecule-capping method with mixed organic ligands carried out by SR-XPS and SERS
  14. Patrizio CARRAI, University of Pisa; Gennaro Bufalo, INAIL; Luigi Ambrosone, University of Molise
     A 3D-approach for studing agglomeration kinetics of ultra fine powder during the welding process
  15. Mariafrancesca CASCIONE, Università del Salento and CNR – ECMT
    Role of adhesion proteins in tumorigenesis: a biomechanical study
  16. Davide CASOTTI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - CNR NANO
    Microstructural and chemical effects on electrical conductivity of the Nb-doped anatase transparent films
  17. Ekaterine CHKHIDZE, Georgian Technical University
    Reactions of chemical transformation of unsaturated co-polyesteramide
  18. Aureliano CIERVO, INAIL
    Influence of crystalline form on induced cyto-genotoxic and inflammatory effects of TiO2 nanoparticles in human lung cells
  19. Rocco CITRONI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
    Extending the Endurance, Missions and Capabilities of NAVs Using Plasmonics Harvester and New Energy Storage Technologies
    Pilot-scaling of nanophotocatalytic reactors for water purification treatments
  21. Rosaria D'AMATO, ENEA Centro Ricerche Frascati
    Performance and removal tests by laser cleaning of nanocomposites employed in cultural heritage
  22. Ugo D'AMORA, IPCB -CNR
    3D Additive manufactured scaffolds with improved functional features for interface tissue engineering
  23. Martin Jimenez FRANCISCO DE PAULA, Universidad de Màlaga
    Surface morphological control of nanostructured single phase Fe304 and FeOOH electrodeposited thin films
  24. Matteo FALASCONI, Warrant Group
    NEWSPEC: New Cost-Effective and Sustainable Plyethylene Based Carbon Fibres for Volume Market Applications
  25. Carla FANIZZA, INAIL
    Scanning electron microscopy study on cell surface modifications after exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles
  26. Anna Maria FRESEGNA, INAIL
    Early cyto-genotoxic and inflammatory effects of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in human alveolar cells
  27. Serena GAGLIARDI, ENEA
    Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanocomposite films for application as protective coatings
  28. Narciso GAMBACORTI, Université Grenoble Alpes
    State-of-the-art 3D characterization of advanced nanoelectronic devices
  29. Maria Luisa GRILLI, ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia
    Nanostructured conductive TiO2 based  films and multilayer systems  fabricated by radio frequency sputtering and e-beam evaporation
  30. Patrizia LAMBERTI, University of Salerno
    Performance Analysis and robust design of a Graphene-Based EM-Shielding Device
  31. Raffaella LETTIERI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
    Modification of inorganic surfaces for bio-inspired functional nanomaterials
  32. Marco LOLLOBRIGIDA, Sapienza University of Rome
    Physico-chemical characterization and preosteoblastic cell response to a new implant surface with nanoscale features
  33. Maria Rita MANCINI, ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia
    A sustainable synthesis of graphene and graphene oxides films
  34. Luca MARCHIOL, University of Udine
    Green synthesis of Ag nanoparticles using plant metabolites
  35. Rino MARINELLI, LFoundry
    Electrical and physical characterization of gate oxide thickness of fluorine implanted poly-silicon gate
  36. Dorian MARTIN, NFFA Europe
  37. Maria Isabel MARTINEZ-ESPINOZA, University of Genoa - DCCI
    Synthesis of diacetylene-decorated, variously-shaped gold nanostructures for sensing and biomedical applications
  38. Daniele MIRABILE GATTIA, ENEA C. Ricerche Casaccia
    Synthesis of Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns and their potentialities for industrial applications
  39. Chiara PARISE, University of Bologna
    Organic transformations catalyzed by gold nanoparticles supported on functionalized silica
  40. Antonella PATTI, University of Naples Federico II
    Enhancements in thermal conductivity of polypropylene-based systems
  41. Silvia PICCIOLINI, Fondazione don Carlo Gnocchi - LABION
    A new approach to study the interactions of exosomes with biomolecules and their role in neurodegenerative diseases
  42. Stefano POZZI MUCELLI, Warrant Group
    POSEIDON - Plasmonic-based automated lab-on-chip Sensor for the rapid In situ Detection of LegiONella
  43. Jose RAMOS-BARRADO, Universidad de Màlaga
    Grown of ZnO nanorods on gizo obtained by magnetron sputtering. Influence of the magnetron sputtering parameters
  44. Melania REGGENTE, Sapienza University of Rome and University of Strasbourg, Francia
    Conducting Polymers as candidate material for artificial muscles: an EC-AFM study
  45. Massimo RINALDI, Warrant Group
    High Performance hybrid TWC/GPF Automotive after treatment systems for the substitution of PGMs and Rar3e earth materials
  46. Melissa SAIBENE, University of Milano-Bicocca, Research Centre POLARIS
    The leading role of particle surface coating in the Silver nanoparticle-induced cell and developmental effects: a contribution to the nanomaterial safe-by-design
  47. Maria Cristina SALVATICI, ICCOM CNR
    Development of a drug-delivery system for the control of plant diseases: in situ ESEM and TEM observation
  48. Carmen SASSO, University of Naples "Federico II" and ENEA Portici Research Center
    Optimization of PEDOT: PSS as Hole Transport Layer for Inverted Polymer Solar Cells
  49. Annarita STRINGARO, ISS
    PMASH Capsules: a New Promising Drug Delivery System in Breast Cancer Cells
  50. Giuliana TAGLIERI, University of L'Aquila
    Simple and scalable synthesis of earth-alkaline hydroxides and oxides nanoparticles
  51. Andrea VEROLI,  Sapienza University of Rome
    Planar plasmonic bean-like nanostructures
    for high Dichroic filtering: theory, fabrication and experiment
  52. Sara VESELY, ITB CNR
    Nanotechnology and Statistical Inference
    Highly emissive II-stacked polybenzofulvene blends: aggregation induced fret upon nanoparticles self-formation
  54. Stefania ZAPPIA, ISMAC CNR
    Amphiphilyc low band-gap rod-coil block copolymers: a tool for water-processable organic solar cells
  55. Emanuele ZONARO, University of Verona
    Selenium nanoparticles of biogenic bacterial nature as possible antifouling agent





call for young researchers











Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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