Saturday, 29 March 2025

Giuseppe GIGLI

Giuseppe GIGLI

  • NanoItaly Association


Giuseppe Gigli was born in Rome, the 4th of November, 1970. He took the Degree in Physics cum laude at the University of Rome (IT) “La Sapienza” in 1996 and the PhD in Physics in 1999 at the University of Lecce (IT). In 1999 he joined the group of Prof.Richard Friend in the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge (UK), working on Polymer based Optoelectronic Devices. In 2000 he joined the group of Prof.Olle Inganäs at the University of Linköping (Sweden), working on Nanotechnology processes of molecular materials. Since 2001 he is Lecturer in Physics in the Engineering Faculty of the University of Salento, where he is full Professor since 2010. Giuseppe Gigli is the Director of the CNR Institute of Nanotechnology, where he is also coordinator of the Molecular Nanotechnology group. GG has been member of the European Laboratory of Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS) Scientific Board, Coordinator of the National Energy Platform of IIT and member of the Administration Board of the High Tech District (DHITECH) in Lecce

His research activities involve: Organic Devices (OLEDs, Solar Cells and lasers), Organic Plasmonics and Polaritonics, Nanotechnology of Molecular Materials, microfluidic Lab on Chips and drug delivery systems for diagnostics and therapy.

He is author of more than 280 publications (h-index=45) on International Journals with more than 7000 citations, several chapters in scientific books, 18 International and Italian patents and more than 50 Invited talks in International Conferences. GG is and has been coordinator of several research projects funded by MIUR (Prin, FIRB) and European Community, as well as responsible of several industrial projects with italian and international companies (FIAMM, ST, AGILENT, GUZZINI, TRE, OSR, LEUCI, etc). He ha been the National coordinator of the CNR project for renewable energy EFOR. Giuseppe Gigli is co-founder of a research Spin-off, Mediteknology s.r.l., aiming at the developing of new organic systems for optoelectronic and medical applications.


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Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

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Dr. Federica Lodato

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