The 'More Moore' domain is internationally defined as an attempt to further develop advanced CMOS technologies and reduce the associated cost per function- Currently, almost 70% of the total semiconductor components market is directly impacted by advanced CMOS miniaturization achieved in the More Moore domain. This 70% comprises three component groups of similar size, namely microprocessors, mass memories, and digital logic. 'More than Moore‘ (MtM) refers to a set of technologies that enables non digital micro/ nano electronic functions. They are based on, or derived from, silicon technology but do not necessarily scale with Moore's Law. MtM devices typically provide conversion of non-digital as well as non-electronic information, such as mechanical, thermal, acoustic, chemical, optical and biomedical functions, to digital data and vice versa. Significant breakthroughs can be expected in the long-term from the progress in Nanoelectronics area “Beyond CMOS”. It is expected that such new ideas will move to the MtM domains as they mature. Some examples are: Electronic devices using New state variables (spin, molecular state, photons, phonons, nanostructures, mechanical state, resistance, quantum state (including phase) and magnetic flux), Spintronics (spin-based electronics), Molecular electronics and Heat transfer management. NanoInnovation 2016, within the section "Electronic nanodevices and technology trends" will offer to the participants the possibility to better understand the nano-devices paradigms and to have a deeper look to the ‘More Moore’ and MtM technologies at industrial level (e.g. 3d MEMORIES, Single Photon image sensors and Internet of Things Strain-Gage sensors). |
Sep 22
09:15 10:45 |