Saturday, 29 March 2025

Kilometro Rosso

Via Stezzano, 87
24126 Bergamo (BG), ITALIA
Tel. + 39
035 591100
Fax  +39
035 0432351
Sito web:
Contact person:


Kilometro Rosso Science Park hosts 45 companies: amongst them there are research centres, laboratories, high-tech manufacturing facilities and providers of innovation services.

The Park’s Mission is to promote the development of a hub of knowledge, innovation and high technology by creating a rendezvous point for innovation-driven companies and for scientific and R&D centres focusing on advanced technologies.

Kilometro Rosso is a “node of an international network of relationships and connections”, that boosts the share of skills, knowledge, information and know-how not only among its Partners, but also between them and the outside world.

Kilometro Rosso can count on the presence of about 1.500 R&D specialists and is fast becoming one of the most successful science Park of its type and its expansion plans are highly ambitious: the Park will play host to at least 3.000 employees within 5-6 years (researchers and other highly qualified personnel), and with 70-80 companies sited within the complex.

Moreover Kilometro Rosso is very active in widening its national and international relationship network. The Park has become a member of (amongst other associations) IASP (the International Association of Science Parks), APSTI (the Association of Italian Science & Technology Parks) and AIRI (the Italian Association of Industrial Researchers), and has also signed a number of international collaboration agreements. Kilometro Rosso has also signed two important R&D partnership agreements with primary Italian scientific institutions as “Elettra” (the multidisciplinary Synchrotron Light Laboratory in AREA Science Park in Trieste) and the “IIT – Italian Institute of Technology” of Genova, to promote industrial research, innovation and development of frontier technologies in enterprises. Both agreements are part of a well-established path of diffusion of innovation in our science park.

In its 2009 Report, CENSIS credited Kilometro Rosso as one of the top 10 excellence places for Innovation in Italy. The Kilometro Rosso initiative, while private, also endeavours to be of considerable value to the public at large.

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Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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