GRAPHENE FACTORY is the CNR website born with the aim to show and promote the research on graphene and bi-dimensional materials performed within the CNR network. It also offers contents and information about "graphene" to the scientific community, to the media, to SMEs, Industry and general public.
The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public Research Institution in Italy. CNR is strongly involved in the research activities on graphene and two-dimensional materials beyond graphene, both on the fundamental research, and on future applications and technological innovation. On a national basis, is the institution with the largest number of researcher involved on these topics and the largest scientific production.
CNR is a core partner of the Graphene Flagship, the European initiative providing an investment of more than 1 billion of euros in ten years (2013-2023), involving more than 150 academic and industrial research groups in 23 countries working in several different fields. Moreover, CNR is responsible and coordinator of the Graphene Flagship work-package on “nanocomposites”.
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