Single-electron effects in heterostructured nanowire
The control of the orbital and spin state of single electrons in nanostructures is a key ingredient for quantum information processing, novel detector architectures and is more generally of great relevance to spintronics. Coulomb and spin blockade (SB) in double quantum dots (DQDs) enable advanced single-spin operations that could be available even at room-temperature, for sufficiently small devices. In my presentation, I shall discuss a set of techniques for the control the spin and orbital quantum state of few-electron states which are tightly trapped in nanowire InAs/InP heterostructures . In particular, I shall discuss how it is possible to independent address the charging configuration of various quantum dots separated by only few nanometers by exploiting a differential Stark effect. The method provides a novel approach to down-scale the device structure while retaining a full control of a DQD device, regardless its physical size. In the present implementation, individual QDs can be operated in the few-electron regime down to the liquid nitrogen temperature and a clear SB can be observed in DQDs up to beyond 10 Kelvin.
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