Electronics, Everywhere
"Electronics, Everywhere”
Embed electronics into everything on the planet with printed electronics technology.
Our inkjet-printed circuits give you totally new solutions.
1. Embed electronics everywhere
Our inkjet circuit printing technology makes electronics thin, light, and large. We have developed and are developing circuits for a wide range of applications. e.g. LED matrix boards, Lighting, Interactive toys, Advertisements, Replacements of FPC."PRI-THERMO” is on-demand printed film heater used in various areas such as manufacturing machinery.
2. Flexible, light, thin
0.1mm thin flexible PET film broadens the application of electronic
3.Palm-size to wallpaper
Available in all sizes up to 600 mm wide.
4.Prototype within a day
Get prototypes quickly and accelerate the development process.
5.Seamless development
From prototype to mass production without redesigning circuits.
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