Vincenzo PALERMO
Vincenzo PALERMO
ISOF CNR Bologna
Vincenzo Palermo is the leader of the research unit on Advanced Materials of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), at the Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF). He has a Ph.D. in Chemistry, awarded in 2003 by the University of Bologna. In his work, he uses nanotechnology and supramolecular chemistry to create new materials for mechanical, electronics and energy applications. He previously worked at the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) and at National Research Council (Canada).
After coordinating two large European research projects, he became one of the nine founders of the GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP European initiative, where he is currently leader of the work package on polymer composites. He is author of >115 papers on ISI journals, and has given >55 invited talks at international conferences in last 5 years.
In 2013 he has been awarded the Research Award of the Italian Society of Chemistry (SCI). This prize awarded to an emerging scientist by the SCI Division of Organic Chemistry, for brilliant results obtained in the past years.
In 2012 he has been awarded the Lecturer Award for Excellence of the Federation of European Materials Societies.
In parallel to his scientific activity, Vincenzo Palermo is involved in science dissemination and communication, giving seminars for broad public on the interplay between Science and History. In 2015 he has published a book on the life and science of Albert Einstein. Another book on the life and science of Isaac Newton is scheduled for publication in October 2016.
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