CNIS-Sapienza University of Rome & RISE Technology
Marco Balucani, CEO and founder of Rise Technology, Member of CNIS (Centro di ricerca per le Nanotecnologie applicate all'Ingegneria della SAPIENZA) Technical-Scientific Committee. Assistant professor at Sapienza University of Rome, teaching Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and Electronics. His research interests are multidisciplinary, they include nano/microelectromechanical systems, microelectronic integrated circuits (IC) design and technology, electrochemistry of semiconductors and metals, integrated optoelectronics, materials science and applications of porous silicon, solid state physics and thin film technology. Throughout his scientific research career, he developed new technologies to provide novel applications in various interdisciplinary research fields (e.g. MEMS, probe card, aerospace micro-rockets, electronic packaging, optical and electrical interconnections and silicon solar cell) some of the developed technologies have been industrialized and other are under industrialization. He has conceived, created, planned and managed several National and European scientific projects (i.e. SIBLE and OLSI); published more than 140 papers in international journals and/or conferences (6 of them as invited talks), organized two international conferences and one national conference, and deposited more than 10 international patents.
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